032// Flagship Store Christian Fischbacher
Shenzhen, China
Retail, Corporate Architecture
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them“ - David Hume
Our design story tells you a tale about the most beautiful materials, carefully crafted furniture and precious details.
The impressive height of the new showroom will be enhanced by a built-in gallery floor. An immense monolith coated in parsol mirror glass dominates the architecture and simultaneously hides much of the storage room. The desaturated colors are a perfect platform for the beautiful Fischbacher Fabrics. Marble, oak, glass and brass are going to be combined to create an elegant and sophisticated atmosphere - translating the rich quality of the fabrics into the new interior design.
Christian Fischbacher Bed & Bath AG BI EN, SHENZHEN, HOMEWARE Co.Ltd.